Week 2_ 2/13/19

Special guest, Jean, a previous engineer from Bart discussed the possibilities and benefits of having an accelerated transit network. He has recently been developing a code that would manage the individual pods from the pickup area to a destination and provided us with a possible layout of the track that would be most effective. He has proposed to help the small scale team with their project.

For the start of this semester, we have decided to designate roles to each person as shown in the image below.

Figure 1. List of tasks

This semester, we are focused on the automated portion of the bogie. I have decided to take on the wireless communication aspect of the bogie as well as complete the team poster requested by Ron.

I began looking into the Xbee module again and found that it required the X-CTU software for control of the module. Different type of Xbees are being researched for possible purchase.

Basic parameters on the X-CTU software needed in order for the Xbees' to communicate include:

  • Channel = C
  • PAN ID = 3332
  • DH = 0
  • DL = 0
  • MY = 0
on both modules. This will test the connection of the modules and the receiving and transmitting data can be seen on the X-CTU console. 



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