Week 4_ 2/27/19

The beginning of class consisted of everyone moving the tools and boxes on the floors and tables to designated rooms in the building. We then began individually working on the codes for our part of the project. I  completed the team poster and the result is shown in Figure 1 below and began working on the powerpoint for next weeks presentation.

Figure 1. Team Poster

I found that Arduino has its own serial communication library that is used by the Xbees. The library functions can be found here:

For the code, the Xbee has to have wires that jump from the Rx and Tx of the shield to the Arduino manually and called in the global variables. The serial and xbee serial ports are set to 9600 bps in the setup and if statements control the sending and receiving of data. 

The starting example code is found here:

The logic for the Xbee is expected to work as the flow chart I made below:


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