Week 5_ 3/6/19

This week I collaborated with the small-scale controls team on their progress with the Xbee programming. I saw that they were still having issues setting up the XTCU software parameters to make the wireless system work. It seems easy enough but there is no complete manual that explains every setting on the software.

As of this point, the Xbee modules were not yet purchased. The cost of the Xbees is fairly high compared to other options. The Xbee ranges around $50 each not including the separated necessary components that are needed. We will keep trying different settings to see if any work. The site that has a good amount of information on the Xbee is here:


Seems like the small scale team also says that an antenna is needed to be soldered onto each module, which the chips we found did not have. We will continue collaborating with them for the time being.

This week, we also did our first presentation for this semester. I talked about the wireless progress, gear box, and shaft modifications.


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