Week 7_ 3/20/19

I purchased the 10 NRFL01 wireless modules on Amazon for $11. We will be using 1 of them for the master bogie. I researched how to set up the modules while they are being shipped and have found example codes for the receiver and transmitter code shown in Figure 1 below and have tried to see if it will work. It seems that the code is sending the "Hello World" text but with noise/ junk between each sent message on the Serial Monitor.


Figure 1.a. Receiver module code on Arduino                     

 Figure 1.b Transmitter code on Arduino

The wiring should be as in Figure 2 below with the supply voltage being 3.3V instead of 5V.

Image result for nrf24l01 to arduino mega wiring

Figure 2. Arduino to NRF24L01 wiring

This information was found on: https://howtomechatronics.com/tutorials/arduino/arduino-wireless-communication-nrf24l01-tutorial/


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